Monday 28 November 2011

Note: Combining Normal Maps

Just in case I forget.
Sharing is caring.=D


1. Create a new Photoshop file. (Same width and height with the normal maps that you rendered)

2. Import all the normal maps that you baked seperately into Photoshop. ( Rasterized them )

3. Create groups for each layer and duplicate the layer inside the groups.

4. Fill the Background layer with RGB:127,127,255

5. Choose 50% grey for foreground color and 100% white for background color.
Foreground (50% grey)

 Background (100% white)

6. Change the BOTTOM layer to MULTIPLY and TOP layer to OVERLAY.

7. Choose the MULTIPLY layer and press "Ctrl+Del"(Shortcut key to fill in background color) in both RED and GREEN channel
8. Choose the OVERLAY layer and press "Alt+Del"(Shortcut key to fill in foreground color) in BLUE channel.

9. Repeat step 5,6 and 7 for other groups.



Saturday 19 November 2011


Childhood memory...Pokeball~! 
Rendered using mental ray's Physical Sun and Sky and color corrected using Adobe Photoshop.


Software used:
-Autodesk Maya
-Adobe Photoshop

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Animation test

An animation test that I did.
Grr...Need to put more effort in animation...

Software used:
-Autodesk Maya
-Adobe After Effects


Long time ago...2D animation assignment..haha

Software used:
-Adobe Flash

Wednesday 9 November 2011

早安 · 找不回那天早上的感觉

Trying out with Maya Fluid to create cloud.

Quite like the look in the view port. =D

Software used:
-Autodesk Maya
-Adobe Photoshop